On Going Research

Assessing the Expectations Gap: Impact on Critical Infrastructure Service Providers and Consumers Preparedness, and Response
The practical goal of this proposal is to enhance consumers’ preparedness and lifeline providers’ recovery capacity. We focus on energy, water, wastewater, and communication, whose restoration is critical for limiting cascading damages, and for rapid recovery of community functions.

Helping Rural Counties to Enhance Flooding and Coastal Disaster Resilience and Adaptation
This project’s vision is to develop methods that use remote sensing data resources and citizen engagement (crowdsourcing) to address current data gaps for improved flood hazard modeling and visualization that is scalable and transferable to rural communities.
Previous Research

RAPID: The Response-Recovery Transition Phase and its Implications for Long-term Recovery: Case Study, Katmandu

The Adoption and Utilization of Hazard Mitigation Practices by Jurisdictions along Gulf and Atlantic Coasts